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Inspire   Educate   Relate

Following the show, our Self-Talk workshop has serval parts. One with student volunteers on the stage playing out the characters of the 'Inner Critic' and 'Inner Encourager'. There is journaling and a visulisation activity. There is also time to share student's responses as well as a Q&A.



Following the show, our Self-Talk workshops offer an interactive and relatable experience where student volunteers take on the roles of the 'Inner Critic' or the 'Inner Encourager' by repeating a given script. A 3rd student will repeat the script using ‘I am’ statements. Students discover the impact that positive and negative statements have on their emotions, beliefs and self-esteem. After exploring the impact of positive and negative self-talk, all students are guided through a visualisation activity to identify their own 'Inner Critic' and 'Inner Encourager'. Students write down what these 'characters of their mind' have been telling them, and are given the opportunity to share their experiences with one another. This builds a sense of support and connection with their peers as they are often having similar thoughts. Students create their own positive affirmations to take home, empowering them to take control of their own thought patterns and shape their reality in a positive way.

Wellbeing Workshops

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