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Inspire   Educate   Relate

  • Confidence


  • Self-Esteem

  • Self-Talk

  • Healthy mind habits

  • Bullying 



GoodEnough focuses young minds on their ability to use positive self-talk by breaking our thoughts up into the characters of our 'Inner Critic' & 'Inner Encourager'.This show is interactive, allowing students to join in and become the characters as it is played out! GoodEnough plays out relatable student scenarios and hits some truths about negative self-talk, relating to the pressures students face, at home, at school, from their peers and in their own MIND. Students are given the tools needed for them to gain control over their own positive or negative thinking. They feel empowered with their self-awareness increased. GoodEnough hits some emotional truths and exposes the 'put downs' we can all say to ourselves. It touches on our own thoughts of body image, peer pressure, binge drinking and not feeling good enough.The show is followed by a workshop where students are given the opportunity to discover their own 'Inner Critic' and 'Inner Encourager'. They are left feeling empowered, knowing that it is their choice to have their thoughts work for them or against them.


#AllOfMe plays out the multiple thoughts we have day by breaking them up into 'characters of the mind', they are the voice of the Inner ‘Motivator’,  ‘Critic’, ‘Procrastinator’ and ‘Child’.Each of these characters influence a teenage student, Aurora, as she goes throughout her school day. She goes into social situations and faces her 'Inner  Critic'. She listens to the advice of the voices in her head as they motivate or sabotage her. This performance not only brings to light the fact that we all criticise ourselves and sabotage ourselves, it teaches students how they can manage the voices in their heads and retrain their mind to help them rather than hinder them.


#GenerationLIKE is a brand NEW show that exposes the hold Social Media has over teenagers today. When LIKES are the new currency. We see how some teenagers define their worth via social media and the lengths they go to for instant gratification!

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